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A weekly round-up of all things GameGuru (from Bolt-Action Gaming)

Welcome back to another busy week in the GameGuru community. Let's dive right in!

This week saw another model kit update - specifically PBR getting added to some of the collectibles and minor doodads of the Sci-Fi kit. I did notice, however, they are still using the Red Cross on the collectible for the heath kit. This is considered a no-no in the GameDev community since it violates the Geneva Convention for using the international symbol of the Red Cross. I brought this to TGC's attention and they have confirmed they'll update the pack to rectify this oversight.

A weekly round-up of all things GameGuru (from Bolt-Action Gaming) Official GameGuru News

This week a new DLC pack was added, the 'abandoned apartment' which looks fairly well put together.  This is about the time of year when Lee & Company tend to disappear for a bit as they go on holiday so don't be surprised if this section doesn't get updated much.  Besides, we still have a lot to unpack from the last major release that happened just this last week! I personally found some difficulties managing my colors for DNIS textured objects.  Something shader related, I'm sure.  Guess we'll just have to see how it bears out.