Less than a month ago we released Plugin support for Windows. We're now happy to announce that this latest version of AppGameKit brings the same great Plugin support to the Mac and Linux platforms.

Here are the new features and maintenace changes for this new build;


  • Added plugin support to Linux (64bit only) and Mac
  • Broadcasting can now send plugins to Windows, Mac, and Linux players
  • Added plugin command agk::PluginError to pass an error to the normal AppGameKit error channels
  • Debugging apps from the IDE can now debug apps using plugins


  • Set Android camera to auto focus when using SetDeviceCameraToImage


  • Fixed SetWindowAllowResize set to 0 on Mac causing full screen mode to appear corrupt
  • Fixed SetObject3DPhysicsCanSleep mode 1 causing the object to sleep forever

Community Plugins
The AppGameKit community are already starting to release new plugins. You can read more about these in the forums here.
