We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new book aimed at users who want to migrate from Tier 1 BASIC to Tier 2 C++, opening up a whole new world of opportunity to those who wish to expand their choices in both programming and wider careers.  Alistair Stewart uses his trademark talent for total exploration of a subject to give you a hands-on tour into the world of AppGameKit Tier 2 development, making the process easy and rewarding.

Whether you're looking to expand your skills right now or plan to do so in the future, this book will lead the way and is available at a launch discount from Steam:


As always we value your feedback, and if you wish the book to cover additional subjects, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  For those of you about to take your journey into the world of C++, bon voyage and best of luck with your app and game projects!