Today we release the latest version of GameGuru V1.13 which includes the most requested feature from the community, saving in-game progress for standalone games, along with many tweaks, bug fixes and additions which we hope will give you more game making superpowers.  In addition, this version has a new restricted content mode so your young ones can use GameGuru without fear of encountering violent assets, a new non-Steam installer for educational users (separate product) and perhaps the most voted for feature from artists is the ability to load in FBX files via the IMPORT MODEL feature.

Below is a detailed run-down of what you can find in the new build.  It's a long list this time, so you might want to grab a cup of tea before you start reading.


  • Removed hard coded headshot damage multiplayer (now in LUA scripts)
  • Fixed CharacterControlArmed to re-arm character after Limbo state
  • Fixed issue of adding waypoint and zones mix, AI paths get corrupted
  • Fixed issue so waypoints of zero points do not create AI paths
  • Fixed issue so explodable damage from entities correctly applies to player
  • Fixed issue of correct damage fall-off based on proximity to explosion
  • Correctly reversed the blast-back force of an explosion against the player
  • Adjusted the g_Time value in the engine so it cannot return a reversed time count
  • Doubled the speed of the fade out when leaving a level (quicker slicker feel)
  • Now freeze more of the game and game logic when loading a new level in (fade out step)
  • Added code to clear occlusion objects before each level and after level frees resources
  • The FPS WARNING prompt no longer pops up after leaving the game menu system
  • Prevented entity damage (such as headshot) carrying over to a new game session (reload)
  • Stopped enemy to ragdoll pausing mid-fall due to a timing issue
  • Improved speed of game progress reloading (removed expensive FOR DO loop in LUA)
  • Added code to skip sending g_Entity data to LUA if entity is static (no use in LUA)
  • When use LUA mouse override command (activatemouse), prevents 'windows' mouse from moving
  • Fixed start marker position of GEM WORLD level so Standalone Game runs correctly
  • When UnFreezePlayer called, player position is restored exactly (no Y shift issue)
  • Changed the way entities are unlocked, you now need to hold down the SPACEBAR
  • All sprites created during level LUA scripts are deleted before next level
  • Prevents third person player from animating and moving physics when frozen
  • NOTE: Important Rule; any user-script globals you want saving need to start with "g_"
  • Fixed issue which forced RotateToPlayer/LookAtPlayer command not to work when not moving
  • Increased the reaction time for enemies using ai_soldier.lua script (slightly better AI)
  • Fixed issue causing new fixed CharacterControlArmed() to fail if character has no weapon
  • Added new TransportToFreezePositionOnly() LUA command to force new player XYZ (not angle)
  • Added new 'GetEntityFilePath(e)' LUA command which returns the entity file path (useful)
  • When set enemy CAN TAKE WEAPON to NO, weapon now disappears with character when removed
  • Fixed issue of unspawned enemies showing on radar before they have been in-game spawned
  • Fixed issue of newly added FANTASY DLC Creature not appearing when use test game
  • Restored speed of FANTASY DLC sample level to full speed, related to above bounds fix


  • Updated ARROWS ammo to include ammo pickup sound effect
  • Changed DOWNLOAD STORE ITEMS text to remove 'reloaded' reference
  • Added INVISIBLE WALL entity to Scenery folder (a useful level design tool)
  • Fixed the BLUE DOOR entity so it no longer momentarily disappears when closing
  • Fixed Gem World game player start marker to be above ground floor in windmill
  • Added new Masked Civilian (non combat) character for Parental Control choices
  • Added MATRIXMODE to FPE fields which adds a transform with the original model matrix per limb
  • Added new 'floating_platform.lua' to show off how to associate player with moving entity
  • Modified Rocketman animation ranges and improved scripts for slightly better AI response


  • Standalone save now stores player weapon, health, lives
  • Standalone save now stores all weapon slots, ammo and pool ammo
  • Standalone save now stores entity data (position,collision,active)
  • Fixed issue with saving a standalone from a level file in the root folder of mapbank
  • Projectname no longer extends with garbage copies of itself (related to above)
  • When use new 'allowfragmentation=1' flag to speed up menu restart, now deletes rogue sprite
  • Standalone save now records the 'level file' the game was saved at (for later reloading)
  • Standalone load now loads correct level immediately from main menu and from different levels
  • Standalone now deletes all entities when level ends, ensures 3D not shown back in menus
  • Standalone save now detects in-game spawning and restores them properly
  • Created a standalone installer for Educational Usage (using INNO installer)
  • Loading different levels in standalone back and forth no longer freeze
  • Added a black screen when click Load Game to give instant response if load time long


  • Removed Easter Game Standalone from core product (watch out for new version in 2017)
  • SPACEBAR one-press can also be used to dehighlight all rubber-band selected entities
  • Added new Toggle Parental Control and initial intro to allow parents to hide violent content
  • Added new parental control black list for entities not suitable for kids
  • Increased entity objects allowed in level to 20,000 (per level) - fixes related crash
  • Added support for importing some FBX model types (there are MANY variants here)
  • Fixed issue of dragging in new FBX entity, now same size as final entity in editor
  • Renamed Parental Control to Restricted Content - better reflects purpose of feature
  • Included NUMPAD on larger keyboards in the detection of Restricted Content password
  • Fixed issue of level contents disappearing on return to editor - occlusion clearance code
  • Fixed issue of the IDE entity browser crashing if enter a folder with > 1000 items


  • FANTASY DLC : Sample level fixed to allow characters to use correct scripts
  • EASTER DLC : Fixed scripts that relied on EggRadar and EggCount globals
  • EASTER DLC : Updated all scripts to rename key gameplay globals to use "g_" as above

A big thank you to the community for your continued feedback, and special thanks to our lovely beta testers who grilled the internal versions over the last two weeks.  Keep watching the blogs, twitches and forums for news on the next build and what you're getting next in GameGuru!