CodeBase - Camera Positioning Relative to an Object

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Category: Camera

Version: 1.071



Uploaded: 19th Jan 2009 19:59

Modified: 19th Jan 2009 20:13

Author:  Kira Vakaan


Use this function to position and rotate a camera relative to an object's position and rotation.

Full Description

Syntax:<br /> CameraFollowObject(Camera,Object,FollowX#,FollowY#,FollowZ#,XAng#,Yang#,ZAng#)<br /> <br /> Camera - The number of the camera to reposition<br /> Object - The number of the object to reposition the camera around<br /> FollowX#, FollowY#, FollowZ# - The new X, Y, and Z positions of the camera relative to the object's position and rotation<br /> XAng#, YAng#, ZAng# - The new X, Y, and Z angles of the camera relative to the object's rotation


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