CodeBase - 10 Color Definitions

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Category: Libraries

Version: 0.5



Uploaded: 15th Mar 2004 20:15

Modified: 15th Mar 2004 20:18

Author:  Tim Ballisto


Defines the rgb() values of ten basic colors so you don't have to.

Full Description

This snippet defines the rgb values of three shades of each of the ten basic colors.<br /> <br /> It defines these colors:red, green, blue, black, white, yellow, orange, brown, violet, and gray.<br /> <br /> In these shades: color, bright_color, dark_color.<br /> <br /> If you look at the code, you may understand it better.<br /> <br /> INSTRUCTIONS!!!<br /> Put GOSUB DEFINE_COLORS at the beginning of your program, or at least before you color anything.<br /> <br /> Put the listed code anywhere in the program, but it must be AFTER your gosub command.<br /> <br /> Instead of writing things like *color object 1,rgb(127,127,127)* you can write *color object 1,gray*.


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