CodeBase - NBI (non binary image)

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Category: Complete Applications

Version: 1.1c bet



Uploaded: 11th Nov 2004 21:21

Modified: 16th Nov 2004 21:25

Author:  Three Score


a good little thing for making images with this u can make an image from notepad

Full Description

a very compressable format although too make a pixel precise it could take over 200kb for a 200x200 it is all acurate and perfect and can be compressed down to 2kb someitmes in a normal zip file use it as u like please put somerthing in your credits if u use it<br /> look at the exanmple file to see wut i mean and just open it in notepad once extracted(notice that is a 2kb zip file and the file inside is 200kb)<br /> (i will put a commented oje here soon)


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