CodeBase - Simple Terrain Editor

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Category: Complete Applications

Version: 1.01



Uploaded: 18th Jul 2014 17:49

Modified: 19th Jul 2014 03:05

Author:  CleoKraft


A simple 3D terrain editor. Full download here:

Full Description

A simple 3D terrain editor. <br /> <br /> It requires a few files to run properly:<br /> matrixTexture6.png: (a 255x255x16M color PNG file divided into 4 rows of 4 64x64 pixel wide squares of whatever textures or colors you want to use)<br /> stars1.png: (a 633x422x16M color PNG file of the sky)<br /> treetop.png (an 88x100x256 color PNG file with invis background of a tree top)<br /> treetop.x (a 3D file for the treetop.png image)<br /> treetrunk.x (a 3D file for the tree trunk)<br /> enterprise_from_back.x (a 3D file for the "player" to walk around the world in)<br /> <br /> Commands:<br /> x - Exit program<br /> arrow keys - navigate world<br /> SHIFT - toggle camera from 1st to 3rd person perspective<br /> q - raise terrain (best to use in 3rd person "enterprise" camera)<br /> a - lower terrain (best to use in 3rd person "enterprise" camera)<br /> p - plant a tree (best to use in 1st person "default" camera)<br /> m - load world (loads the default world)<br /> s - save world (warning: this will overwrite the default world without prompting to overwrite! use with caution)<br /> f - fog toggle (orange fog, gray fog, fog off)<br /> L - light toggle (toggles day and night - try with various fog effects. i.e. orange fog and night looks pretty amazing)<br /> T - terrain toggle (changes the terrain grid square you're on - best in 3rd person "enterprise" camera)<br /> Z - (experimental - use at your own risk as it messes with the mesh. Use M to reload world if camera gets buggy using this)<br /> <br /> When planting a tree use the following keys:<br /> mouse move - move tree left, right, up and down<br /> arrow keys - forward, backward to move ; left, right to rotate<br /> left mouse click - plants the tree (and exits the tree planting mode which goes back to normal key mapping (see above))<br /> <br /> Note that there's a wall near the "zone-in" for testing collision detection on objects outside the normal terrain. I'll probably drop the wall out of there in the final version of the editor but for now it's in there. <br /> <br /> Probably the first thing to do when you run this is hit the "M" key to load in the default world map, then explore that a bit using the arrow keys. The gravity routine in this isn't noticable really on the terrain itself yet but if you "fall off" high terrain<br /> you'll see a slow fall effect, so the gravity routine is definately in there, it's just not noticable because the editor "locks" you onto the terrain right now.


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