<div class="oldstyle">&#10; &#10; <div class="header_notop">DarkBASIC - The Ultimate 3D Games Creator</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; DarkBASIC allows you to create your own games, demos, slideshows, even business applications using the easy to understand BASIC programming language. Even if you've never coded before, just follow the in-depth tutorials and you'll be generating results in minutes! Harness the power of Direct X and make 3D objects come to life in just a few simple commands.&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <div align=center>&#10; <img src="%%IMAGEPATH%%screenshots.jpg" width=500 height=121 alt="Screen shots of games made with DarkBASIC" border=0><br>&#10; <img src="%%IMAGEPATH%%genres.gif" width=480 height=24 alt="Types of program you can make" border=0 vspace=6>&#10; </div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>&#10; <tr>&#10; <td>&#10; <div class="header_notop">What Makes DarkBASIC So Special?</div>&#10; <p>&#10; For the first time ever, the power of the PC and Microsoft's game engine Direct X can now be controlled by everyday PC users. It's no longer the sole domain of the expert 'C' programmer. Anyone with a PC can now make 3D objects move around the screen interacting with other game objects and taking live responses from the game player's inputs.&#10; </p>&#10; <div align="center">&#10; <a href="http://www.trialpay.com/productpage/?c=437f4ff&tid=A7D88Xl" <img&#10; src="%%IMAGEPATH%%dbtrialpay.jpg"&#10; border="0" align="bottom" /></a></div>&#10; &#10; </td>&#10; <td width=120 align=right><img src="%%IMAGEPATH%%dx8.jpg" width="107" height="100" alt="" border="0"></td>&#10; </tr>&#10; </table>&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <div class="header_notop">Features</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; All games created with DarkBASIC are license and royalty FREE!<br>&#10; All games can be distributed as a stand alone executable!&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=4 border=0 width="100%">&#10; <tr>&#10; <td width="50%" align=center class="showcase_header" style="background-image: url(%%IMAGEPATH%%table_bg.gif)">&#10; General Features&#10; </td>&#10; <td width="50%" align=center class="showcase_header" style="background-image: url(%%IMAGEPATH%%table_bg.gif)">&#10; 2D Features&#10; </td>&#10; </tr>&#10; &#10; <tr>&#10; <td width="50%" bgcolor="#efefef" valign=top>&#10; <p>&#10; Automated Double Buffering<br>&#10; Full-Screen Display Modes<br>&#10; AVI Animation Control<br>&#10; MIDI/MP3 Music Control<br>&#10; Over 45 Demo's<br>&#10; Over 25 Tutorials<br>&#10; Over 600 Textures<br>&#10; Over 120 Sound Effects<br>&#10; 900 3D Models&#10; </p>&#10; </td>&#10; <td width="50%" bgcolor="#efefef" valign=top>&#10; <p>&#10; 10 Image Formats Supported<br>&#10; Super-Fast 2D blitting<br>&#10; Mirror, Stretch, Blur and Fade<br>&#10; Screen-Sized sprites<br>&#10; Transparency<br>&#10; Fast Collision<br>&#10; Animated Sprites<br>&#10; Gamma Control<br>&#10; Scale Sprites<br>&#10; 2D Drawing Functions&#10; </p>&#10; </td>&#10; </tr>&#10; </table>&#10; &#10; <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=4 border=0 width="100%">&#10; <tr>&#10; <td width="25%" align=center class="showcase_header" style="background-image: url(%%IMAGEPATH%%table_bg.gif)">&#10; 3D Features&#10; </td>&#10; <td width="25%" align=center class="showcase_header" style="background-image: url(%%IMAGEPATH%%table_bg.gif)">&#10; Misc. Features&#10; </td>&#10; </tr>&#10; <tr>&#10; <td width="50%" bgcolor="#efefef" valign=top>&#10; <p>&#10; X and 3DS Files Supported<br>&#10; Landscape Terraforming<br>&#10; Built-in 3D Primitives<br>&#10; Dynamic Model Space<br>&#10; Polygon Collision Detection<br>&#10; Full Model Manipulation<br>&#10; Model Animation<br>&#10; Ambient Lighting<br>&#10; Directional Lighting<br>&#10; Texture Filtering<br>&#10; Alphablending<br>&#10; Fogging&#10; </p>&#10; </td>&#10; <td width="50%" bgcolor="#efefef" valign=top>&#10; <p>&#10; Mouse Control<br>&#10; Keyboard Control<br>&#10; Force-Feedback Control<br>&#10; Gaming Device Control<br>&#10; System Handling<br>&#10; File Handling<br>&#10; User Friendly Editor<br>&#10; Integrated Help System<br>&#10; Extensive Exampes<br>&#10; Command Line Interface<br>&#10; Save As Single Executable&#10; </p>&#10; </td>&#10; </tr>&#10; </table>&#10; &#10; <div class="header">Can I Make Commercial Quality Games?</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>&#10; <tr>&#10; <td width=105><img src="%%IMAGEPATH%%pcz.jpg" width="90" height="114" alt="" border="0"></td>&#10; <td valign=top>&#10; <p>&#10; Other people are! So there is no reason why you can't too. If you've got the dedication and skill then you could produce a game worthy of retail with DarkBASIC. A number of DarkBASIC developers release their games into the Shareware market selling via their own web sites. Others have their games sold via independant distributors and publishers. If it's really good you can even find your game appearing on magazine CDs which is what happened to Star Wraith 3, featured in the PC Zone magazine for a number of months running.&#10; </p>&#10; </td>&#10; </tr>&#10; </table>&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <div class="header">But I've Never Programmed Before!</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; We can all sympathise with this - no-one is born knowing how to program a computer game and at times it can seem like a very distant and alien language. We were well aware of this when we designed DarkBASIC and tried our hardest to create a language that is as easy to read as it is powerful. Have a look at the example commands below - see if you can work out what they would do in your game:&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center style="border: 1px solid black" bgcolor="#1B233A">&#10; <tr>&#10; <td>&#10; <font color="#00ff00" face="Courier" size=2>&#10; XRotate Object 1, 180<br>&#10; Scale Sprite 1, 100<br>&#10; Mirror Bitmap 1<br>&#10; Set Text Font "Arial"<br>&#10; Set Light To Object Position<br>&#10; If Joystick Fire A() Then GoSub PlayerShoot<br>&#10; </font>&#10; </td>&#10; </tr>&#10; </table>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; If you've got this far then with a little determination and learning you could teach yourself all you need to know about programming with DarkBASIC. For extra help along the way there are free on-line tutorials to learn from.&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <p>Get Dark Basic for FREE with Trial Pay;</p>&#10; &#10; <div align="center">&#10; <a href="http://www.trialpay.com/productpage/?c=437f4ff&tid=A7D88Xl" <img&#10; src="%%IMAGEPATH%%dbtrialpay.jpg"&#10; border="0" align="bottom" /></a></div>&#10; &#10; <!--&#10; <div class="header" style="display:block; height:35px; padding:8px 0 0&#10; 0; float:left;">Get DarkBASIC for FREE with TrialPay!</div>&#10; <a href="http://www.trialpay.com/productpage/?c=437f4ff&tid=6rGirpo"&#10; style="float:left; padding:0 0 0 5px;"><img&#10; src="http://assets.trialpay.com/mi/?m=g&a=1418582&b=1910379&rc=v&ri=167671&p=51Xp9zH&t=6rGirpo"&#10; border="0" align="bottom" /></a>&#10; <br style="clear:both;" />&#10; <a href="http://www.trialpay.com/productpage/?c=437f4ff&tid=6rGirpo"><img&#10; border="0" src="http://assets.trialpay.com/mi/?m=j&a=1484556&b=1910846&rc=v&ri=165202&p=51Xp9zH&t=6rGirpo"&#10; /></a>&#10; -->&#10; &#10; <!--<a href="http://www.trialpay.com/productpage/?c=437f4ff&tid=6rGirpo"><img border="0" src="http://images.trialpay.com/m/infographic_r4.gif" /></a>-->&#10; &#10; </div>