<div class="oldstyle">&#10; &#10; <div class="header_notop">Upgrades</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; The latest version of DarkBASIC Professional is: <b>Version 7.62. This was released on 12th May 2012</b>.&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; &#10; <div class="header">How to Upgrade DarkBASIC Professional</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; To Upgrade DarkBASIC Professional you need to download and install our Upgrade file. Get the latest Upgrade by <a href="/?m=view_product&id=2000&page=upgrade7-62">clicking here</a> and follow the instructions given.&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <div class="header_notop">Online Activation Guide</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; There is an extensive on-line guide to Activating your copy of DarkBASIC Professional which covers the entire process step-by-step. You can <a href="/?m=view_product&id=2000&page=activation1">read it on-line</a>.&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; <div class="header">Tell me about Future Upgrades</div>&#10; &#10; <p>&#10; In order to be notified of new Upgrades for DarkBASIC Professional simply subscribe to our free monthly newsletter. We always announce the latest developments each month along with a range of other interesting news, interviews, programming tips, competitions and more. Read back-issues online or subscribe on the <a href="?gf=newsletter">Newsletter pages</a>.&#10; </p>&#10; &#10; </div>&#10;