sync on: sync rate 40

` Create the ODE World
ode start
ode set world gravity 0,-20,0
ode set world step 0.05
ode set world erp (0.2)*2.5
ode set world cfm (10^-5)*2.5

` Create a static floor.  Implement in Dark Basic Professional first, 
` and then ask ODE to do the same...
make object box 1,200,10,200
color object 1, rgb(128,255,128)
ode create static box 1
` Create 4 dynamic objects
` Implement in Dark Basic Professional first
` and then ask ODE to do the same...

make object box 2,10,5,8
make object sphere 3,12,16,16
make object cone 4, 10 : xrotate object 4, 90
make object box 5,8,0.1,10 : xrotate object 5, 90

position object 2, -5,20,0
position object 3, 3,40,3
position object 4, 0,60,-3
position object 5, 0,80,5

ode create dynamic box 2
ode create dynamic sphere 3
ode create dynamic triangle mesh 4
ode create dynamic box 5

` continued… 
` Add friction to our objects
ode set contact fdir1 1, 20.0
ode set contact fdir1 2, 20.0
ode set contact fdir1 3, 20.0
ode set contact fdir1 4, 20.0
ode set contact fdir1 5, 20.0

` Position the camera, and watch what happens...
position camera 0, 50, -40
point camera 0,20,0

while inkey$() = ""
	ode update

` Tidy up... 
ode end